"We may be different on the outside..."
Lesson Objectives:
To identify the word "tolerance"
To express tolerance through imagination, visualization, and play-acting
To foster creative expression through the "Sage" doll-making workshop
Materials- We Are All The Same Inside® book, pre sewn linen, scissors, permanent markers, inside stickers, white glue, water, brushes, fabric paints and/or markers, pencils, corrugated card board, newspaper, yarn., wide-eyed / kid safe needles, rags for stuffing, assorted felt squares, sketch paper, fun fur, pom-poms, evaluation form, etc.
- Explain to children they will be hearing a story entitled We Are All The Same Inside ®.
- Read the story.
- Show the children the "Sage" dolls
Discussion Questions
What does "tolerance" mean? Ponder a bit ...
Acceptance of other people that are different from you.
If you lived in a planet where people had no skin, what would you do and say if you came to earth? What would your planet look like?NOTE: Jot down students' responses for use in the next activity.
- What would it be like if everyone had no skin?
- What does "Sage" have inside that we all have? heart, brains, veins, etc.
- What would you do if "Sage" or any person from his land walked into this very room?
- Would you be scared of him? How would that make "Sage" feel?
- What has occurred in your life that could have made you feel different from others?
- Have
the children either sit in a circle or lie on the floor with their eyes
closed. (Eyes should remain shut for the rest of the exercise.) Explain
to them that they are about to go on a journey to a universe or land where
they have no skin and they are all kin (family). Describe how they get
there (by ship, flying, walking); what will they do (play all day, eat,
make friends); and what will they see, smell, hear, touch, and taste based
on the answers to the discussion questions. Be as specific as possible.
Note: If there is a cat in the skin less land where Sage is from, ask them
if it is very friendly, ask them what color it is and is it like our cats
on earth?
- At the
end of the above exercise, ask the children to slowly open their eyes and
stand up. Tell them that they have just arrived in Sage's home town where
everyone has no skin and all are kin (family). How would they feel being
different on the outside ? How would they try to show Sage's kin that they
are just the same under the skin?
- Begin
Doll-making Workshop: Pass out the "Sage"
doll- making materials to the children. Demonstrate and then have them cut
out the insides from the "Sage" sticker detail (heart, brains, stomach, lungs,
etc.). Add veins and eyes with a black permanent marker. Once all inside
organs are in place have children cover with white glue to seal the stickers
to the doll. Note: Make sure students have corrugated cardboard inside
the pre sewn blue linen doll; so that the glue/ paint does not bleed through.
- Once
the blue inside part is dried by either itself or by a hair dryer; the
children may stuff the doll and sew the bottom part.
- Have
the children ponder a bit about what is the largest organ in our body? Our
skin is an organ like our hearts, brains, but it is on our outside; and
oddly we are judged by it or treated differently because of its color or
shade. Have the children create their outside skin shade. For older
children, try to have them investigate an ethnicity or identity other than
their own. Have the students then paint over the outside skin linen with
the entire shade they mixed. Demonstrate first..
- Have
students plan or design their character on sketch paper; drawing the facial
features, clothing, etc. Demonstrate. The students will then pencil in
their designs over the painted outside skin linen and then outline it with
black permanent marker. Have students paint in the details of the outside
doll. Let the doll dry.
- Have
children sew or glue in the hair, choosing any one color or several colors.
- Have
children evaluate what they have learned. Have the children write, in complete
sentences if possible, three things that they learned through this "Sage" experience.
- Have students do an impromptu puppet theater based on the story, We Are All The Same Inside®